Basically, there are three main component that turn on your car. If, your car cannot be turned on, then might be the problem are caused by this three component that not work properly. The main component are power supply, ignition, and supply (supplier) of fuel. All of us don't want our car become broken. But, we cannot 100% guarantee that we can avoid this problem.
So, if this problem happen to you, things you need to do are :
1. Check your Engine Starter
Some people think that this is trivial, but remember, switcher starter also can cause this problem. So, firstly check your switcher starter. Usually, the problem is the starter switcher connecting plus- minus cable Loosening or have been worn.
2. Check the power suppliers
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Broken down Car |
Check the battery (power suppliers) when our car is broken down is one thing that we need to do. Corrosion in battery might happen and cause this problem. When this happens, how to cope simply by tightening the screws on the battery pole and cleaning the dirt that sticks to around battery. Make sure that your car battery is nothing short of stun (if need, charge your battery first)
3. Check your Plug
If there's no problem with your power suppliers, check your plug. Because if one of your car's plug is dirty or unusable, then your car cannot be turned on. So check the plugs and clean the dirt by wiping it and make sure the connections are properly installed. If still not work, change your plug.
The cause of the car broke down too often occurs because of a problem in the fuel supply. Usually, the problem is often the case (the engine is difficult to turned on) is because the carburetor (for cars still use carburetors) are dirty or too much gasoline, or even not enough. How to fix is to clean it first and then proceed with opening the carburetor air filter while and turn the machine on without stepping on the gas pedal or stomp all deep, so the engine, release the accelerator pedal.
Beside the carburetor, fuel pump that not working properly or damaged can also be the cause of the car broke down. How to check? Remove the fuel hose (fuel line hose) and then turn on the car. If the gas is still flowing, meaning the gas pump still running well. If the gas not running well, then the problem is on the fuel pump.
If all of steps above already done well, and your car still can't going, call the tow truck and bring your car to garage. That's all about how to fix broken down car. Thank's for reading!
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