
Administrator of Pocky Ostrich blog is Rio Ananta Perangin-Angin, was born October 21, 1997 . Stay in Medan , and so obsessed my hometown, Taneh Karo Simalem ( Karo District - North Sumatra ) . Karo tribes , and a beginner blogger . My hobbies are programming , blogging and playing some musical instruments such as Karonese's Surdam and Harmonica . I call myself with the term Begu Deleng(In Indonesian = Ghost of Mountain ). Big fan of Johnny Depp , Michael Jackson , and other karo traditional musicians . Very interested in the pirate's life and wants to have a big ship in future .

 I also manage several other blogs , such as Begu Deleng Blog, and Pocky Ostrich I hope my blogs can be appreciated by the public give benefit for all of you public. To contact me , you can contact my email , which is rioanantapkeliat@gmail.com or rapkavsoftrio@gmail.com


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